Occupational Diseases and Health

The Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health is the only medical institution in Estonia where occupational diseases are diagnosed.

Dr Viive Pille
Head of the Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health of the North Estonia Medical Centre

We consult patients with suspected work-related illnesses to clarify the diagnosis and determine the organisation of work. We also receive patient referrals with lung diseases caused by occupational or household allergens or with multiple complaints, such as complaints concerning the respiratory tract (including the nose), skin and eyes (with allergic rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis).

The Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health consists of an outpatient clinic for occupational disease and health at J. Sütiste tee 17/1 (Sütiste Tervisekeskus) and a department of occupational diseases at Hiiu 39.

Patients with suspected occupational diseases can visit our outpatient clinic without a digital referral. You can register a visit through the national eBooking system or by calling the registration desk of the North Estonia Medical Centre at 617 1049 or 617 2950

We ask doctors who refer patients to inpatient treatment of occupational diseases to call us in advance at 617 2941. A digital referral is required for hospitalisation.


Treatment services of the Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health

  • pre-employment and scheduled medical examinations of employees
  • diagnostics and expert assessment of occupational diseases
  • diagnostics and treatment of allergy-related skin and respiratory diseases (including research of occupational allergens)
  • vaccination and counselling


Diagnostics of occupational diseases

The Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health is the only medical institution in Estonia where occupational diseases are diagnosed.

Occupational diseases are diagnosed on the basis of medical examinations performed at the centre, data from the health card provided by the family physician, and a description of the working conditions provided by the patient and their employer. If an occupational disease is suspected, the family physician or specialist will refer the patient to the centre for examination. 

The following information is required for expert assessment:

  • the previous health data of the patient from ambulatory card(s)
  • a copy of the employment record book or employment contracts
  • a description of working conditions (by the patient)

Diagnostics of occupational diseases is funded by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund and state budget. The list of occupational diseases is established by Regulation No. 66 of the Minister of Social Affairs of 9 May 2005.


Medical examination of employees

  • Medical examination of employees is conducted in accordance with Regulation No. 74 of the Minister of Social Affairs of 24 April 2003.
  • Pursuant to subsection 16 (2) of the Value-Added Tax Act, value added tax shall not be imposed on occupational health services.
  • Pursuant to subsection 32 (2) of the Income Tax Act, occupational health services are not considered as fringe benefits for taxation purposes.

Please submit the following documents before the medical examination:

  • a risk assessment of the work environment and results of the measurement of work environment parameters
  • the list of employees sent to medical examination

Please contact sales assistant Erika Soosalu in advance by phone at 617 2946 or 5333 5388.

Occupational Diseases and Health

Maie Koks


617 2939

Dr Jaanika Sass

Head of Centre

617 2947

Gültšara Karajeva

Head nurse

617 2941